Institution of Surveyors of Uganda (ISU)


Karobwa Towers, Nkrumah Road


+256 393-000-316 / +256 414-251-258

Institution of Surveyors of Uganda
Associate & Professional Members

The Council may elect as Associate members at and during the pleasure of the Council, any person who:

  1. Has attained the age of twenty-one years.
  2. Holds a professional qualification acceptable to the Council.
  3. Is at the time of one’s application engaged and has been engaged in some branch of the profession in Uganda for at least one year.
  4. Has had at least two years post professional qualification of acceptable practical experience in the profession, and has fulfilled such other conditions as the Bye-Laws of the Institution may prescribe.

OR is a Professional Member of any other Surveying Professional Institution for the time being recognized by the Council as offering sufficient guarantee of knowledge and professional competence; and is ordinarily resident